Wednesday, August 5, 2009

3 Ways--Count 'Em!-- to Use Blogs in Teaching

These are just three of many, many ways to use blogs in teaching. Keep in mind that you should try to address all probable audiences to your blog, like students, parents, other teachers...maybe even administrators!

1. I always like to make the parents of my students aware of opportunities in the community for them to share with their children an experience that pertains to the language the child is learning. This could be anything from an Art exhibit to a trip to the Zoo to see animals from that part of the world. Therefore, I will use my blog to advertise such events and to create links to the sites offering such opportunities.

2. Supplemental materials that I may not have time to present in class can easily be listed on a blog sidebar.

3. A sidebar section of my blog can be dedicated to presenting perhaps a weekly thought-provoking statement or image that invites readers to respond to it.

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